Accident Forgiveness

Are you worried about the impact of an accident on your insurance? Our affordable coverage can protect you for your first at-fault or partially at-fault accident.
How does accident forgiveness work?
If you've been accident-free for the last 6 years (no at-fault or partially-at-fault accidents) and you have Accident Forgiveness coverage on your car insurance policy, we'll "forgive" you for your first accident. This means that when your policy renews, your premium won't be impacted based on that accident.
Accident Forgiveness coverage still applies even if you decide to change your vehicle – as long as you haven’t had any additional at-fault accidents. Coverage applies on a per vehicle basis and can added to cars, motorhomes and motorcycles, subject to eligibility.
"Being in an accident is stressful enough. With this flexible coverage you can help maintain your driving record."
Who is eligible for Accident Forgiveness?
- You must have a vehicle insurance policy with us and satisfy its conditions.
- The principal operator of the vehicle must be licensed and accident-free for the preceding 6 years for the vehicle type for which the coverage is being requested.
- All other listed drivers must be free of at-fault accidents for the preceding 6 years or for time licensed for the vehicle for which the coverage is requested.
- If you change your vehicle, this won't have an impact on your eligibility.
Interested in learning more accidents and your car insurance coverage? Find out how accidents impact your insurance premium.
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